Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Mission Trip

I am thrilled to announce that I am going on a mission trip to...China.

A couple of weeks ago, I met with one of our church leaders, Bob Drew, and he asked me to pray about being part of this mission trip.  I prayed that evening that God would give me the wisdom to make this decision.  The next day, I turned on 91.5 Freedom FM on the drive to work.  I went in a little later than normal on that day, so I wasn't listening to my normal programming.  The message I heard was on mission trips to China.  They discussed the needs and successes that were going on in China.  That night, we went to our Connect Group and we were discussing the Holy Spirit.  We were asked, "What next step is the Holy Spirit asking you to complete?"  Some of our group members were discussing how fulfilling missions trips were and some were talking about how they were called on future trips.  Stacy and I discussed it and prayed about it further and decided this is what God is asking me to do.

Anyone who's read my blog or knows me, they know that I've been very purposed to follow God's plan over the past year.  When He asks me to do something, I want to be obedient without delay.  I felt that I should do the same with this and committed to go without knowing the exact details.  This is very rare for me because I'm a "planner".  I thought it was important to trust God on this.  My flesh is screaming out though.  Here's some of my insecurities:
  1. I'm not a traveler:  I've been on 2 planes and both were because of my job.  I didn't vacation much as a child.  Stacy and I have only been on 2 vacations in 10 years.  It's just not my thing.
  2. I had to get a passport.  Believe it or not: no passports are required when you cross the Ohio River to West Virginia.
  3. Time.  We are leaving May 13, 2013.
  4.  I don't even like Chinese food.
  5. Money.  I had no idea the cost when I committed.  I just knew that God would provide.  I will need to do some fundraising to raise $2,500 for the trip.  I don't ask for money.  If I want something, I work more hours, sell more policies, and earn more commission.  However, I feel like God wants me to humble myself and ask my friends and family to support my mission trip.

So, I do ask for your support.  Whether that is prayers, a donation, or travel advice, I can use all the support that you can give.  Really, there is no amount too small.  If each of my Facebook friends gave $5, I would reach my goal!  If you would like to make a donation by credit/debit card or check, please visit Bibles for China's donation page HERE.  You can add my name under dedication, so they will know it's for my trip.  You can also write a check to Bibles for China and I'll mail it for you.  You will get a tax write-off because they are a 501(c).  I would also encourage you to visit their website HERE to research the organization and read some of the amazing stories on their blog.

Finally, why am I doing this?  Because Jesus Served.  I am so overwhelmed that he died for ME.  ME!  Do you know ME?! Do you know the things I've done...the things that I will do?  He does!  Yet, He was mocked, beaten, had his flesh ripped apart, and was crucified for ME.  I deserved that punishment, but Jesus took it for ME.



P.S. We will be delivering 10,000 bibles to the rural, poor Chinese!!!